PATHWAYS! January 2020
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January 2020 Newsletter
New Investments from Five Local Philanthropic Partners Total $1,075,000
There are so many things to be grateful for in this new year and the biggest is our community of support. We are thrilled to announce this next milestone in our 30-year history.
Five local philanthropic partners have recently invested in our Capital Program Expansion, a strategic plan that looks to double impact and footprint over the next five years. The five partners include Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, BHHS Legacy Foundation, Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation, Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust and Thunderbirds Charities.
“New Pathways for Youth has an outstanding formula of mentor training and building long-term relationships between mentors and mentees. They help at-risk youth move on to college or the workplace. Their work in this community is vital and we’re pleased to support them in expanding their reach to more Valley neighborhoods,” said Carol Peden Schilling, trustee chair, Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust.
We have raised $3.9 MIL towards our $5.7 MIL goal for the Capital Expansion Project, which kicked off with the purchase and renovation of our nearly 11,000-square-foot building at 901 E. Jefferson in downtown Phoenix. The new building features a 100-person course room, 25 and 20-person smaller workshop rooms, case planning rooms, community gathering room and kitchen, staff and leadership office space and conference rooms and an outdoor recreation space and courtyard.
We are honored that these long-respected Arizona institutions are investing in our future and the future of our youth. Their investment in our vision personifies the type of impact and transformation that is possible when we come together and commit to the future of our youth.
Want to make a personal donation to the Capital Program Expansion and help us double our footprint?
The Valley’s Best Collaborating for the Future of Our Youth
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb
And, oh how far we have come! New Pathways is thankful for the innovative commitment of
the four general contractors that brought us our new home.
DPR Construction, Hensel Phelps, McCarthy and Sundt, usually worthy competitors,
came together for the future of our youth in a unique partnership that utilized the Valley’s best talent to design and complete the renovation on New Pathway’s New Home.In an unheard-of collaboration, four Valley General Contractors have teamed up to demolish and renovate all interior spaces of the purchased building at 9th Street and Jefferson downtown for NPFY’s new headquarters. It is this type of selfless commitment to our mission that inspires us each and every day. Thank you!
“We’re utilizing our collective resources and leveraging our vendor relationships to execute this project together… This kind of stuff doesn’t happen in other places. This also talks to the fact that we love this organization, we’re all extremely passionate about it and we all wanted to participate completely.” Derek Kirkland, DPR Construction
January is Mentor Appreciation Month
“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” — Benjamin Disraeli
Thank you to all our mentors for giving of themselves, their talents and their time. There are currently 180,000 youth in the Phoenix area who have experienced multiple adverse childhood experiences and want to change the trajectory of their lives. Without intervention, these youth will repeat the cycle of poverty and adversity.
At New Pathways for Youth, we are disrupting generational poverty through education, employment and relationships. Our mentors provide the caring, stable relationships that enable new possibilities for our youth. And … we and all our youth thank each of you!!
Thinking about becoming a mentor?! Many of our mentors come into the experience not knowing what to expect and leave having been changed forever.
We are committed to doubling our impact for our youth! And, we need you now more than ever! Over the next few years, our goal is to increase our mentors in the organization to 1000. Become a mentor, changes lives…including yours!
If you are interested in becoming a mentor, feel free to reach out and attend one of our mentor introduction sessions, every Tuesday at 12:30 pm and 6:15 pm and the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:30 am.
Email our mentor recruiter, Farrah Fiegener at to learn more.
The Countdown to Grand Opening Begins
We are officially under 100 days from our big celebration. Don’t miss the Grand Opening of our new home on March 27th at 8:00 am ! We’ll be serving breakfast and giving tours of the new space which is twice the size of our old facility. Hear from our youth and also from key contributors that made this vision a reality.
SAVE-THE -DATE: March 27, 8:00 – 9:30am | Breakfast will be provided
To learn more about our new home, click on the link below.
Masterful Conversations with James Flaherty
You determine the quality and success of your life by how skillfully you design and conduct conversations. New Pathways for Youth is bringing this Integral Coaching Training to Phoenix and hosting a 3-Day Workshop for professionals led by New Ventures West founder, James Flaherty. James is a highly sought after public speaker and coaches high-profile leaders in a number of industries. All proceeds benefit New Pathways.
March 19-21, 2020 9am – 6pm each day
Registration open to all. Learn More and Register Today
Free registration for NPFY mentors. Mentor Registration here.
You’re Invited
New Pathways Annual Breakfast – February 25, 2020
Don’t miss our annual community breakfast hosted entirely by our youth. This year, they are busy writing their own stories of possibilities to share with you in a unique story tellers’ format.
7:30 a.m. registration | 8:00 a.m. program begins | 9:00 a.m. event concludes
Phoenix Art Museum | 1625 N Central Ave | Phoenix, AZ 85016
Kindly respond by February 7
Tickets and sponsorships available
Dave Trout Open – April 17, 2020
Time to dust off those putters and practice those fist pumps. Join us April 17, 2020 for the Dave Trout Open supporting New Pathways for Youth. Registration is open for sponsors and golfers.
For more information or to register click here!
Don’t Forget
There’s Still Time – Tax Credit Through April 15, 2020
Invest in our youth with your Arizona Tax Credit and get a dollar-for-dollar credit up to $800 per couple or $400 per individual.
Learn more about the Tax Credit Opportunity
Leave A Legacy for Our Youth
Consider leaving a legacy to continue breaking the cycle of poverty and chronic adversity for area youth and their families for years to come. Join a special group of donors who have included us as a beneficiary in their estate plans by listing New Pathways for Youth in your will, trust, life insurance, or retirement plan. Call to discuss your ideas for legacy giving at 602-802-8265.