Join us for August Workshops 2022!

Following each Saturday workshop in August, we are hosting a Back-to-School party and providing school supplies to the youth! These will take place Saturday August 6th and 8th immediately following the workshop curriculum.

The curriculum during these workshops will initially explore what a vicious cycle is, how these cycles develop, and the route to creating new habits and patterns. Following that discussion, youth will participate in a Young Adult Summit where they’ll explore young adult life and goals. Mentors will have the chance to provide real life experiences and things they wish they’d known before turning 18.

This summit is a great opportunity for youth that recently graduated, is in college or joining the workforce. This is facilitated to deepen understanding of NPFY concepts, create discussion around how to deal with the demands of adulthood and explore ways to evolve your mentoring relationships.

Youth and mentor matches will then get a chance to participate in our Back-to-School party! Festivities include Kahoot, water bottle decorating and a snowball fight. Youth will also be able to create a time capsule to capture their goals, favorite songs and shows to reflect on at the end of the year. This activity will allow them to reflect on the evolution of their goals, taste and mindset.

Backpacks full of supplies including lunchboxes, pencil cases, binders and other stress relieving items will also be supplied during the party. We can thank our amazing donor, American Studio Designs, for donating all supplies and making school shopping for youth easier.

Sign up here to attend one of the Saturday workshops and the celebration that follows. Hopefully students will get the materials, fun and confidence they need to crush the upcoming school year!