A statement from our CEO

At New Pathways for Youth, we awaken the full human potential to bring about individual and community transformation. Often, transformation requires us to dream big, to try new things, and to evolve.
In this spirit, I am sharing today that I’ll be transitioning to a new role at New Pathways. While I will be stepping away from the daily responsibilities of organizational leadership as CEO, I’ll continue to work with our staff on building a faculty model for our curriculum. This faculty model will be crucial to support our continued development and intentional growth of impact, developing additional facilitators to grow and expand our retreat and workshop offerings to serve more youth. Concurrently, I’ll be pursuing an independent practice to awaken the collective heart, supporting and coaching people in bringing their best selves to life.
The Board of Directors will soon begin the search for a new CEO, an intentional and thorough process that may take as much as six months. I will continue to serve as CEO during this time and provide support as the new role is imagined and fulfilled.
While changes in leadership can feel huge, our program and our purpose as an organization is unmoving. We will continue to awaken the full human potential to bring about individual and community transformation, and our holistic development program will remain the same throughout this transition and afterward. As I focus on building a faculty model rather than on the day-to-day responsibilities of my position as CEO, New Pathways will be equipped to grow more sustainably and meet the long-term goals in our strategic plan.
This transition will offer incredible opportunities for our organization and more importantly, for our youth. We couldn’t be more excited about our collective futures.
In love and gratitude,
Christy McClendon
President and CEO