PATHWAYS! October 2018

Thirty years ago, a small group of change makers had a radical idea. What if they could take the personal development program they had experienced, one committed to creating breakthroughs in one’s self-destructive thinking, and introduce it to teens living in the intercity of Phoenix? Their dream was to create new futures for these youth, breaking the cycle of poverty in their lives. With that one radical idea, and a conviction that they could make a powerful difference for our community one youth at a time, New Pathways for Youth was born!
Over the last 30 years, we continue to innovate and improve on the unique one-to-one mentoring typology first employed. Through ongoing research and listening to the needs of our community, we now serve youth as young as 12 and have expanded our services to include college and career readiness support through age 21. In our first year, we served 40 youth, we now serve 400 annually, and have impacted more than 6,500 individuals since our founding.
Today, matches participate in monthly life skill development workshops and bi-monthly goal setting projects, which provide the tactical skills and knowledge for our youth to act on their breakthroughs. Through the years, the commitment we were founded on, to disrupt the cycle of poverty for Phoenix’s most at-risk youth, youth, has never waivered.

Thirty years of disrupting poverty and creating new futures!
We are very proud of the accomplishments of our youth over the past 30 years – the college graduates, the successful business people, the loving wives, husbands, mothers and fathers. Youth whose future was uncertain prior to joining New Pathways for Youth and who have now broken the cycle of poverty and adversity in their lives.
And we are just getting started! As we lead into our 30th year, we are looking to deepen our impact by increasing our scalability and replicability. We have been exploring and testing our accelerators to growth to guarantee that staff and mentors are best positioned to support and coach our youth, ensuring that ALL of them are on a solid and clear path towards college and career success.
As a testament to our vision for the future, and a commitment to deal in hope for our youth, we are honored to announce that the Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation has stepped up to provide the first funding to help implement our findings and accelerate our growth. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, for believing in our mission and vision, and most importantly, thank you for believing in our kids!
If you are interested in learning more about where we are headed in the next 30 years and beyond, please contact us!
Phoenix 20-30 Club hosts back to school shopping for New Pathways youth
1. What inspired you to make an impact at New Pathways for Youth?
The Phoenix 20-30 Club has a long history of supporting children throughout the Phoenix area, dating back to 1932 when Senator Barry Goldwater, Dr. Carlos Craig, Earnest Suggs, Bob Goldwater, and Harry Rosenzweig, Sr. founded our club. New Pathways’ mission of empowering youth to fulfill their potential perfectly aligned with our goal of enriching the lives of underprivileged youth in the Phoenix area. When we learned about the fantastic work that New Pathways for Youth does through its transformative mentoring program, with some of the most wonderful kids in the Phoenix area, we could not wait to get involved.
2. How have you gotten involved?
Every year, the Phoenix 20-30 Club hosts four community activity events focused on improving the lives of children in the Phoenix area. The children at New Pathways for Youth have been frequent participants in our community events. Most recently, New Pathways for Youth participated in our back to school shopping event where we were able to provide 60 kids with new clothes, shoes, and other items for the upcoming school year.
Several of our members were also recurring participants in New Pathway’s after-school program. Additionally, our charitable arm, the Children In Need Foundation, has made several grants to support the impactful work that New Pathways for Youth and its staff is doing in our community.
3. Why is it important for you to invest in our community?
The Phoenix 20-30 Club is dedicated to enriching the lives of underprivileged youth in the Phoenix area. Our members share a conviction that all children deserve the opportunity to learn, grow, and accomplish their goals. Through philanthropy, community involvement, and educational opportunities, the Phoenix 20-30 Club knows that we can enhance the lives of children and, in turn, the Phoenix community.
4.What advice do you have for those on the sidelines, wondering how or if they should get involved?
Get involved! There are so many children that need and deserve your support, generosity, and compassion. Getting involved with New Pathways will not only make a meaningful impact on their lives, but will enrich yours as well. As our club motto goes — “One never stands so tall as when kneeling to help a child.”
Angelina knows how lucky she is to have a stable, caring adult, her mentor Cherry, in her life.
Stability was not something Angelina has had a lot of in her life. Her mom was on drugs and moved Angelina and her siblings from one homeless shelter to the next. Although still a child herself, she often found herself taking care of her younger brothers because no one else could. In fact, Angelina has experienced nine times the adversity of her peers, which would normally indicate a significantly increased likelihood of a lifetime of physical and mental health problems.
Through her relationship with Cherry, participation in our life skill development workshops, and using our personal development curriculum, Angelina has created breakthroughs in her self-destructive thought patterns. With her mentor supporting her and our curriculum at play in her life, Angelina is now taking actions consistent with the future she desires. She graduated from high school last May and just began her first semester at Northern Arizona University, the first in her family to do so.
This is what the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit makes possible. Not only does your contribution make a difference for our youth, but through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit all donations up to $800 for couples and $400 for individuals could provide a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for you.
To donate, go to Support our youth and make your tax credit donation today!
Any donation made prior to April 15, 2019 can be applied to your 2018 taxes. This is separate from the school and foster care tax credits, so you can claim all three deductions. Please consult a tax advisor for further details or visit for more information.
Transformations Society Reception
October 17, 2018
Our Transformations Society is a group of inspiring and inspired individuals invested in our youth being unstoppable in the achievement of their dreams. Our Annual Reception honors this investment. Not a member yet? Join today by clicking below!
Biz Bash is big on fun, short on speeches!
It’s almost here and you aren’t going to want to miss out! Biz Bash is THIS Thursday!
For the 2nd year in a row, New Pathways for Youth is proud to once again be a beneficiary for the 12th annual Arizona Biz Bash, taking place on Thursday, October 4th.
The not-to-miss party of the year, puts the FUN into FUNdraising. The Biz Bash experience includes an evening of music, dancing, a foodie fest, a hosted bar and an opportunity to bid on items in the high-end silent auction.
We can’t to see you there! Get your tickets today!
Can’t attend on Thursday? You can still bid on the auction items! Auction closes Thursday evening.
Help us fill our volunteer gap at any one of these upcoming activities and projects!
Youth Holiday Drive
We are kicking off our holiday drive and would love for you to help us make our youths’ holidays bright with a special gift! This year we are collecting special care kits and $50 gift cards for our youth. Give the gift of joy this holiday season!
Recommended Special Care Kit Supplies
Caddy or carrying case filled with full size bottles of:
- Body wash
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Face wash
- Body spray
- Body lotion
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush
- Loofah or wash cloth
Recommended Gift Cards
- Walmart
- Target
- Kohl’s
Please package kits in caddy with bow and label the kit by gender (male or female). Please arrange for all gifts to be delivered to New Pathways for Youth by Friday, November 30th. If you have any questions or would like to arrange delivery of your gifts, please contact Mary Beth Gregory at (602) 422-9260 or Click here to download the flyer!
Workshop Support Volunteer
See mentorship in action! Support our teen workshops by answering the door and greeting mentors and youth and by picking up lunch, setting it up, serving it to mentors and youth, cleaning space and packaging leftovers from youth to take home. We are looking for someone who would be interested in making a six month commitment to this project.
Number of Volunteers: 1 – 2
1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month, 9:00am – 10:30am
Facilities Volunteer
Roll up your sleeves and help beautify the center! We are looking for volunteers to deep clean and organize program spaces to keep the center functional for our youth, parents, and mentors. We are also looking to freshen our courtyard space with new flowers and other plants.
Number of Volunteers: 5 – 10+
2-4 hours; time is flexible between 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday