PATHWAYS! May 2019

MAY 2019 Newsletter

New Pathways for Youth is celebrating 2019, our 30th anniversary, by highlighting some of the individuals and personal stories that make our community so strong and so inspiring.
If you were with us at our Annual Breakfast, you heard Giselle talk about how her experience at New Pathways helped her overcome depression, anger, and insecurity in the wake of her father’s death to form meaningful relationships and ultimately graduate high school. And how Lydia found purpose and a sense of “something greater” in becoming Giselle’s mentor.
Both Giselle and Lydia’s powerful testimonies speak to the impact and personal triumph we experience every day as we work to transform young, at-risk lives.

2019 is another important year of growth for us as we announcced our new four-point plan to address the challenges of growth and strengthen our research-based, one-to-one mentoring programs. It’s a step we’re excited to take because of the impact this renewed focus will have on our most vulnerable at-risk youth.
In particular, we’re increasing our targets in key high-risk neighborhoods to provide mentors to 100 youth in those areas. Not only are we making those matches but we’re also committed to increasing retention through the high school years and the transition into higher education and/or employment. Providing access for these children to a caring adult as well as social, emotional, and academic supports can mean everything to our youth who are working to overcome cycles of violence, substance abuse, poverty, and structural inequality.

Some of you may be familiar with Julie and Leon’s story. They were matched back in 1989 during our very first year in operation and are a shining example of this legacy. Leon grew up, as he would describe it, in a broken home, without a father figure. Surrounded by a culture of drugs and gang activity, Leon wished for an escape. Unable to find solace in the world around him, Leon became distant and wasn’t easy to get along with.
When he came to New Pathways, Leon found adults and other youth like him who wanted him to succeed and see a future for himself that he could not otherwise see. Leon’s road to success was long and not always assured, but he and his mentor, Julie, worked hard together to give him the opportunities he needed to realize his full potential.
If you are passionate about transforming your community and providing better futures for youth, share this story with your friends and family and think about becoming a mentor, volunteer, or donor to help break difficult cycles and make Phoenix an inspiring city of transformation for the next generation.
For more information click on the link below.
We want to take a moment and thank all of the sponsors and individuals who made this year’s Dave Trout Golf Tournament a success! You provide inspiration and transformation to the youth, mentors, and volunteers who make up the New Pathways family.
If you or your company missed out on the opportunity to participate in the Dave Trout Golf Tournament, don’t worry! There are plenty of chances throughout the year to sponsor our many events, provide in-kind support, or become a member of our Transformations Society.
Click on the button below to contact a friendly member of our staff and they’ll help you maximize your impact!
Are you a passionate, driven, and caring adult who’s ready to step up and be there for one of our kids? The end of Spring is the perfect time to make your commitment to becoming a mentor with New Pathways! We’re recruiting 50 new mentors in preparation for our June progam launch.
Many of our mentors come into the experience not knowing what to expect and leave having been changed for the better forever.
Becoming a mentor fosters growth, improves lives, changes outcomes, and brings hope to at-risk youth in communities beset by challenges.
The deadline to be included in our June program launch is May 24.
Click on the link below to take that first step to becoming a mentor.
- More than 80 percent of mentors feel they are an important part of their mentee’s life.
- More than 80 percent of mentors feel close to their mentees.
- 93 percent of mentors felt their training helped prepare them for the mentoring experience.
- 98 percent feel supported by our helpful staff.
Are you interested in becoming a mentor and joining our community of support?
There’s no time like the present…click the link to get in touch