NPFY Recognizes Local Corporate and Individual Champions of Transformation

New Pathways for Youth (NPFY) is proud to announce the recipients of the inaugural Champions of Transformation awards. U.S. Bank will be honored with the Corporate Champion award, while Wendell Cook will receive the Champion of Youth award.   

The Corporate Champion award acknowledges U.S. Bank’s commitment to supporting youth development. As a leading financial institution, U.S. Bank has consistently demonstrated its dedication to empowering the community and breaking the cycle of poverty by investing in education, mentorship programs, and job readiness initiatives. Its extensive expertise and financial support have created meaningful opportunities for young individuals to achieve their full potential.  

“U.S. Bank is a longtime supporter and friend of New Pathways,” said John Patris-Browne, New Pathways for Youth Vice President of Philanthropy and Strategy. “U.S. Bank represents the essence of corporate responsibility, leading by example in shaping a better future for our youth.”  

Wendell Cook will be recognized with the Champions of Youth award. Mr. Cook has been a tireless volunteer at New Pathways for Youth for close to two decades. He has mentored two youth in the Level Up program, and previously served as Chair of the Board of Directors for the organization. He is currently a member of the Emeritus Council.  

“Every day I am inspired and motivated by our youth, and by the people who believe in our youth, like Wendell and the folks at U.S. Bank,” said Karen D. Johnson, PhD and New Pathways for Youth President and CEO. “I am so thrilled to be able to celebrate them with our entire community.”  

NPFY will present these awards at their annual Transformations Society Event, Champions of Transformation, on Oct. 5 at Events on Jackson in downtown Phoenix. This event recognizes and celebrates the organization’s supporters, mentors and donors for making an active effort in creating a positive change throughout the Phoenix community.   

About NPFY  

New Pathways for Youth is a youth-focused nonprofit organization headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. New Pathways transforms the lives of youth by providing the support, stability, and skills they need to flourish in the community and in their families. Through a holistic development program and 1:1 mentoring within community groups, the organization ensures that every young person can live their life with joy and purpose, confident in their ability to decide their own path.