Native American Heritage Month

Every year in November, Native American Heritage Month is celebrated to honor and recognize the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, contributions, and histories of Native American people.

Native American Heritage Month serves as a platform to address historical injustices, promote cultural exchange and dialogue, and foster a deeper understanding of the diverse indigenous peoples who have shaped and continue to shape the United States. It also encourages individuals to learn more about Native American history, honor indigenous voices and perspectives, and support efforts towards social justice and equality for Native American communities.

The 2023 theme for Native American Heritage Month is “Celebrating Tribal Sovereignty and Identity.” Tribal sovereignty guarantees that decisions concerning tribes, their property, and citizens are made in collaboration and agreement with their involvement. This is an issue that’s being elevated by the U.S. Department of Interior.

To learn more and celebrate with your mentee, click here. There are 22 ways to celebrate and honor Native American Heritage Month including learning what Native land you’re on, diversifying your library to gain a different perspective, and learning how you can support Native American led organizations.

See below for four organizations you can check out and support this month.

The Native American Rights Fund

Indigenous Women Rising

Honor the Earth

The Native American Advancement Foundation