In Memory of Chris Yakscoe, NPFY Board Member and Mentor

The following tribute was shared with the guests at the Stories of Transformation breakfast on March 6, 2025

Good morning.

On Sunday, we learned the devastating news that our board member, mentor, and friend Chris Yakscoe had passed away on Saturday in a skiing accident in Park City. He was just 35 years old.

Chris had a smile that lit up every room he was in. He had a positive spirit and energy that made you believe anything was possible.

If you attended our Champions event in the fall, you met Chris. He shared the story on stage of our youth who asked him if she mattered.

His message resonated with all of us—that our youth matter—that our mentors show our teens that they matter. And Chris mattered so much to our community.

After graduating from the University of Pittsburgh, Chris moved to Arizona with the dream of using technology to improve healthcare. He built a software program and company called Remarkable Health, and became the GM of AI at Netsmart. In 2024, he was named a Future Leader by Behavioral Health Business Magazine. He traveled the country, sharing his passion for transforming mental health care through technology.

Chris was a member of the Saguaros, a group of young men dedicated to helping kids. As MC of their NiteFlite event, he helped to raise more than $5 million dollars over the years. In addition to his commitment to New Pathways for Youth, he also served on the boards of Playworks and Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels.

He loved giving back to the community, and he always had fun doing it.

Chris was the kind of person who never met a stranger. He was a dedicated mentor to Alex, and a friend to everyone here at New Pathways. (Recognize Saguaros and Alex at Table 18.)    He was taken from us tragically, too soon—and his legacy will never be forgotten.

We know that Chris would have wanted us to carry on this morning and host the best breakfast ever to showcase the Stories of Transformation of our youth. And that is exactly what we intend to do—in his memory and with his bright and beautiful spirit carried on in our hearts.

Let’s all take a deep breath together and observe a moment of silence for our friend Chris.

Thank you for joining us this morning. Let’s start the program.