How to Build Community

A community doesn’t merely include the area where you live. A community is also defined by having people you can count on and a place where you feel like you belong. One of the most important things you can do wherever you live is to build a community there. The following are just a few ways you can do that.
Get to Know Your Neighbors
Any community is only as strong as its inhabitants. The people of any place are what makes it special. If you truly want to create a vibrant community in your area, the first step toward doing so is to get to know those around you. You never know who you might meet in your neighborhood or what you might have in common with them.
If you’re not sure how to get started, there are many small things you can do to draw people together. First, you could create a little library where people in your neighborhood can take and leave books as they’d like. Second, you could create a community event to get to know everyone a bit better.
Give Back
Another important aspect of being in a community is giving back when you can. Regardless of where you live, there are people who are less fortunate who could benefit from your help. The best way to make your community a better place to live is to do what you can to contribute to local charitable efforts.
Once again, the options are only limited to your imagination. You could tailor your service to what you’re passionate about or good at. If you studied English in college, you could volunteer at your local library or help kids learn to read. If you like working with kids, you could set up a summer camp for kids whose parents work full-time.
Get Involved
An equally important aspect of building a community involves not just giving back, but also getting involved. One of the fastest ways to feel at home anywhere is to get involved in a club or activity. This is a chance to explore what you enjoy or learn a new skill. If you’ve always been fascinated by space, you could get a pass to the planetarium. If you enjoy being active, you could join a recreational sports team in your area.
If your town doesn’t have a lot of opportunities for getting involved, you could create these opportunities yourself. For example, you may notice a lot of your children’s friends are interested in playing soccer. So, you could try to band together to create a neighborhood soccer league.
Community is one of the most important factors that determines how happy you are where you live. Having a strong sense of community helps you feel like you belong and can help you make more friends. By implementing these suggestions, any place can feel like home to you.
Even if you don’t live in a good community, you can create one. New Pathways for Youth helps teenagers find the mentorship and opportunities they need to be successful regardless of where they come from. Click here to learn more!