Giving Tuesday 2023 – Nov. 28

This year, our dreams came to life at New Pathways for Youth.
We launched Level Up, a name for our program that youth could own and take pride in. Two months ago, we started our Level Up Academy at Camelback High School, which will teach more Phoenix youth skills that will help them reach their goals.
However, the dream that we’re most proud to bring to life, is our New Pathways for Youth Scholarship. With this scholarship, we were able to help our youth pursue their dreams by lifting some of the financial burden, and some were the first in their families to be able to do so.
All of this is possible because of you.
That’s why our theme for this Giving Tuesday is “This is What Dreams are Made of.” Because our mentors, donors, and supporters like you not only make our dreams come true, but the dreams of so many Phoenix youth.
Our mission at NPFY is to transform the lives of youth by providing the support, stability, and skills they need to flourish in the community and in their families. By doing this, more youth are able to live their life with joy and purpose, confident in their ability to decide their own path.
We’re excited to expand on our mission to serve even more youth, create more scholarships, and provide more opportunities for our youth to pursue.
Giving Tuesday is coming up on November 28th, and it’s the biggest giving day of the year. We hope you’ll join us by celebrating and making a donation this Giving Tuesday.
Want to go even further?
Create a fundraising page to share with friends and family on Giving Tuesday. Connecting New Pathways for Youth with your network means even more dreams can come true. Sign up below to be a fundraiser:
Example Fundraising Page
Dream Big. Stay Warm.
Grab this exclusive Giving Tuesday sweatshirt to show your support! It comes in two styles – crew neck and hoodie and three colors.