Be the person you wish you had as a teen by becoming a youth mentor.

Level Up by New Pathways for Youth works with Phoenix-area high school-aged kids who have experienced high levels of adversity. Youth are matched with a volunteer mentor, who serves as a caring and stable adult in their life and supports them in completing our research-based program for setting and meeting personal goals. Become a mentor today!

Alondra and Cheryl

“I’ve watched Alondra bravely face challenges I never could at her age. She’s learned how to become brave with sharing her feelings. And that’s inspired me to be brave, because if she can do it, and she’s 16, I better step up. I better start being brave.”

– Cheryl, NPFY Volunteer Youth Mentor

Nathan and Shaq

“New Pathways has given me the opportunity to give back in a way that is, in many ways, my personal thank you to my mentors. If not for them, I don’t know where I’d be.”

– Shaquin, NPFY Volunteer Youth Mentor

Steps to Becoming a Mentor

Brian and Heather

Mentor Intro

Attend one of our info sessions, Mentor Introduction, to learn about the program and your commitment to becoming a youth mentor.

Esther Gonzalez and Jessica Salcido


After you’ve attended our info session to become a youth mentor and determined mentoring is right for you right now, you’ll interview with a member of our team so we can get to know you better.

Mentor training class

Volunteer Mentor Training Courses

You will complete four training courses to ensure you are prepared to serve as a volunteer mentor for Phoenix youth.

Level Up Launch

Level Up Launch

Once your youth volunteer mentorship training is complete, you’ll attend a three day Level Up Launch where you’ll be matched with a Phoenix-area youth joining our program.